Outside Toronto for the PROFINET one-day training class, I was in one of my old neighborhoods (I’ve lived a lot of places). On the downside, I was so wrapped up with the class that I did not have time to visit my old Avantis colleagues. On the upside, the class went very well. When the attendees are active with questions and comments it makes for a better experience for all. That was the case here.
We did have one person who was disappointed with the level of detail in the class, so let me set the appropriate expectation for those of you who have yet to take the class. His Course Evaluation form included: “Perfect medium level training for integrators but not for OEM and embedded system developers,” and “In greater detail: packet format, physical layers, and access to sample for drivers.”
I have to say we are really not trying to cover everything a developer needs in this class. But I think the introduction we do provide is just as necessary for a developer as for a user or System Integrator. Here is my recommended progression through a PROFINET education:
- Before the one-day training class: Webinar: A Short Introduction to Ethernet for Control Engineers. If time permits and you want additional depth of information on Industrial Ethernet, these three webinars will provide it: Industrial Ethernet, an Introduction; Industrial Ethernet, Ethernet Network Architecture; and Industrial Ethernet, Advanced Ethernet Architecture. We recently created “A Short Introduction to Ethernet for Control Engineers” for those who don’t have time to view all of the original three webinars.
- The one-day training class. Find a list of free one-day training classes here. We have just a few left this year, but expect to do a bunch more in 2011.
- For those wanting more details after the class, we list resources throughout the presentations. These can be accessed from the presentation on the class CD by clicking the embedded links. Examples include webinars on Industrial Wireless, PROFIsafe, and Diagnostics for PROFINET; magazine articles; and informative websites. The CD also includes documentation: System Descriptions, Security Guideline, Installation Guide, and much more.
- Additional resources specifically for developers: Webinar: The Rapid Way to PROFINET. We’ve also started a series of webinars from individual providers of development tools. The first in the series is on Siemens development kits. And call us; we can direct you to the development tool providers that can assist you.
- Installer classes. The PROFI Interface Center offers fee-based onsite installer/troubleshooter classes tailored to the site’s needs.
- Certified Network Engineer classes provide a lot of depth! Here you will definitely learn about the packet format, sniffers, and more. These fee-based classes are typically held at the PROFI Interface Center, but can be done onsite if the number of students warrants it. They begin at 1:00pm on Monday and run through Friday noon. Practical and theoretical exams must be passed in order for the student to be certified. Certified Network Engineer class schedule.
- Your most important resource is the staff of PI North America and PROFI Interface Center. Contact Us.
The newest PROFINET resource is our new website, All Things PROFINET. You can reference all the material mentioned above and it is arranged in a role-based, logical progression by role (or browse or search as you prefer).
Shameless, self-serving positive comments from other Toronto Course Evaluation forms:
“Seminar was highly educational especially demos with equipment. Face-to-face discussion with various vendors helps to streamline the answers to individual questions/requirements.”
“Excellent presentation and very good, knowledgeable instructors.”
“Good course. Well versed presenters”
–Carl Henning