Developing & Certifying a PROFINET Device

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Calling all automation device developers: this webinar is for you!

To help device developers bring PROFINET-enabled products quickly and efficiently to market, the experts from the PROFI Interface Center, together with PI North America, will cover:

  • Product development cycle
  • Implementation options
  • Testing environment
  • Certification process
  • Resources & Support
  • What’s New

Implementation options

Depending on the functionality required (Conformance Class), it is essential to select the suitable type of implementation for each individual case.

Development environment

A variety of starter kits and evaluation boards are available for almost every implementation

Hardware/software design

The plan of action and expenditure required for hardware and software design depend heavily on the selected implementation method.

GSD file

To enable fast and easy configuration of an automation system, manufacturers of field devices must provide a PROFINET device description file.

PROFINET Test Bundle

The PROFINET Test Bundle contains all necessary software and documentation in a single zip file including, but not limited to:

  • RT-Tester (ART)
  • IRT-Tester (SPIRTA)
  • Security Level 1 Tester
  • Specifications
  • GSD Checker

A demonstration of the ART with the ETS board hardware will be shown.

Certification Timelines

PROFINET devices are tested to the latest version within a defined time window.

Certification Procedures

Device manufacturers will learn how to obtain a certificate after product testing.

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