We debuted our new PROFINET one-day training class curriculum earlier today in Kansas City. After a minimal introduction we dove into PROFINET, relating the topics to a fictional factory with real-life issues to confront. Unlike past years we just brought in the underlying Ethernet basics as we encountered the need to explain them. This worked surprisingly well. Of course for those who want a deeper dive into Ethernet Basics this year we have webinars coming up.
Given the new approach to teaching PROFINET, I was anxious to see the Course Evaluations. Responses include:
“Tons of good information.”
“Relaxed environment. Pleasant presenters and informative.”
“Very knowledgeable instructors!”
“Tempo and detail was well done.”
There were no negative reviews although there were some well-appreciated constructively critical remarks. A number of suggestions asked us to include more practical examples and application stories. We actually had one or more application stories for each section, but ran short of time to present all of them. We’ll be fine tuning our timing for next month’s class in Atlanta. We already have live multi-vendor demonstrations of each section as well. Perhaps we need to spend a little more time on them.
If you are considering Industrial Ethernet (and you should be), plan to attend one of the one-day PROFINET training events.