Free Training Schedule for 2008

The PTO and PROFI Interface Center will be holding one-day training classes throughout North America for the sixth consecutive year. There are 24 cities in the initial schedule.  Watch for more to be added during the year. There are three different curricula centering on PROFIBUS, PROFIBUS in the process industry, and PROFINET.  Specific dates and venues are selected at least 30 days prior to the class. If you are interested in attending this year, bookmark this page and check back frequently for updates.  Click here to a access class details with a link to registration.


Attendees of each class will receive a certificate for 5.5 Professional Development Hours (PDH).  And as a special bonus, the PTO will raffle a week-long Certified Network Engineer Class (a $2695 value) at each PROFIBUS and PROFINET event.


Special Note for control device developers: The PROFINET classes in Portland, Cleveland, Scottsdale, and Chicago will be followed by a PROFINET Developer Workshop.  This half-day workshop is designed to help development engineers and product marketers select a development tool provider to speed their time to market for PROFINET products.


Click a city for more information and a link to registration: 
