If you make an automation device, it can be shipped globally.
If you make a machine, it can be shipped globally.
If you make a consumer product, it can be manufactured globally.
One of the “5 Criteria for choosing an Industrial Ethernet” is global support that is local. PROFINET is supported all over the world and is a national standard where that is appropriate (like China and Korea). Recently Korea announced the adoption of PROFINET and PROFIBUS as national standards:
Korean Standards | PI | ODVA | EtherCAT |
Industrial Ethernet | PROFINET | Ethernet IP | EtherCAT |
Factory Fieldbus | PROFIBUS DP | ||
Process Automation | PROFIBUS PA |
China has already adopted PROFIBUS and PROFINET as national standards.
So PROFIBUS and PROFINET are standardized nationally and internationally. How are they supported globally? PROFIBUS and PROFINET International (PI) has four types of organizations distributed around the world:
1. Regional PI Associations (RPAs) – 27
2. PI Competence Centers (PICCs) – 43
3. PI Training Centers (PITCs) – 23
4. PI Test Labs (PITLs) – 10
PICCs, PITCs, and PITLs are certified by PI and audited every two years for conformance to the PI quality standard. No other fieldbus/Industrial Ethernet organization has this many Competence Centers – in fact none of the others even have the concept of a competence center!
For even more reasons for you to standardize on PROFINET, read “Ford Powertrain Standardizes on PROFINET.”
–Carl Henning