June 13, 2022 - June 17, 2022
12:00 am - 11:00 pm
Venue: Johnson City DoubleTree
Disclaimer: Please do not book travel arrangements until the class has been confirmed. After registering, you will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your registration. Separately, you will receive confirmation the class will occur, no later than 4 weeks prior to its start.
Our certification classes are intense, hands-on courses which will show you where and how to find and use technology-related information. You need to learn how the underlying technology works from the application to the frame level and pass both a practical and written exam to become certified. You will receive 24 PDH hours and two Certificates (PROFINET Engineer + Installer) from PROFINET International (PI) for completing the course.
Class Syllabus:
Ethernet Basics
- Introduction to Ethernet, TCP, UDP, IT protocols *
Network Installation and Infrastructure
- Topologies *
- Building and testing an Industrial Ethernet cable *
- Installation guidelines and best practices
- Laying cables
- Grounding
- Power system
- Installation guidelines and best practices
- Network Load calculation and rules *
- Commissioning checklist
- Technology and Organization
PROFINET performance levels
- Conformance classes
- PLC Configuration (RT, IRT) *
- Ethernet and protocol frames *
- Performance calculations for IRT *
- Diagnostics *, troubleshooting
- Records *, alarms *, error codes *
Wireshark Capture and Analysis
- Ethernet capture guide (port mirror, TAPs, capture tools)
- Ethernet monitor, setup *
- PROFNET Startup Sequence *, Alarms *, Records *, troubleshooting *
Profinet Commander
- IO Controller *
- Name assignment *
- Factory reset *
- Identification and Maintenance *
- Data record objects *
- Device description files
- Vendor and Device ID
- GSD module & submodule identification
- File structure and parameters
- GSD Check
Additional Topics
- Simple Device Replacement *
- Fast Start Up
- Shared Device
- I-Device
- Redundancy
- Network Security
- Isochronous mode application
- Application profiles overview
- PROFIsafe, PROFIenergy, PROFIdrive
- Technology comparisons
* denotes a section which also includes a hands-on lab