One-day Training Schedule for 2009
The PTO and PROFI Interface Center will be holding free one-day training classes throughout North America. There are 20 cities in the initial schedule. There are three different curricula centering on PROFIBUS, PROFIBUS in the process industry, and PROFINET. Specific dates and venues are selected at least 30 days prior to the class. If you are…
PROFItech Certification Class Schedule for 2009
The PTO and PROFI Interface Center (PIC) announce the dates for PROFItech classes, now beginning their ninth year! PROFItech classes are offered for both PROFIBUS and PROFINET. Attendees who successfully complete the written and practical tests are rewarded with the title Certified Network Engineer. They also earn 24 Professional Development Hours (PDH). Each class runs…
PROFI Interface Center enhances PROFIBUS & PROFINET support in North America
Scottsdale, AZ
PROFINET Developer Webinar
PTO in cooperation with the PROFI Interface Center has scheduled a webinar to introduce developers wishing to add PROFINET to their automation devices. The webinar explains concepts such as Conformance Classes and Device Types then outlines the development process. Details of this June 24th webinar are found here. For those unfamiliar with PROFINET and Industrial…
New White Paper: PROFINET and IT
The white paper, PROFINET and IT, describes PROFINET in IT terms and shows how PROFINET relates to IT topology. The adaptations required of Industrial Ethernet for environmental and functional purposes are described. PDF.
Training Classses Conclude Successfully for 2008
North American one-day training classes for 2008 have concluded. This year saw over 2,100 registrants from 900 companies in 24 separate classes in 23 cities (we came to Chicago twice). There were 6 PROFIBUS in the Process Industries classes; 8 PROFIBUS; and 10 PROFINET. If you missed us in 2008, watch the web site for…
The SPS/IPC/Drives Show was held in Nuremberg, Germany the week of November 24. There was a lot of news about PROFIBUS and PROFINET at the show. PROFIblogger Carl Henning reports in the PROFIblog complete with photos and videos. Watch for continuing reports or sign up for the RSS feed.
10 Years of PROFIsafe
Beginning in the fall of 1998, PI (PROFIBUS & PROFINET International) achieved a milestone in industrial automation with its establishment of PROFIsafe. Impressive proof of this lies in the growth in the number of installed PROFIsafe nodes and systems. The total number of PROFIsafe nodes increased to 410,000 at the end of 2007. For the…