Free PTO Booklet Addresses the Myths and Facts About PROFINET
Free PTO Booklet Addresses the Myths and Facts About PROFINET Industrial Ethernet in a Fun, Whimsical Format Scottsdale, AZ
Additional PROFItech PROFINET Certified Network Engineering Class Added
To meet the growing demand for qualified network engineers using PROFINET, the PTO and the PROFI Interface Center are announcing an additional PROFItech class for this year. The PROFINET Certified Network Engineering Class is scheduled to begin on November 27 at 1:00pm. This five day class delivers training on the installation, operation and maintenance of…
Free Training Class Schedule for 2006
The PTO in cooperation with the Profi Interface Center announces that 25 to 30 free one-day training classes will be held throughout North America. Three different curricula will focus on PROFIBUS, PROFIBUS in the Process Industry, and PROFINET. All will introduce fieldbus concepts, show the advantages of adopting a fieldbus, and review the fieldbus choices…
This International Educational and Networking Event is slated for October. This is the first time it will be held in the US, having been previously hosted in Berlin and Amsterdam. Scheduled for October 3-4, 2006, the symposium will be held at the Westin Michigan Avenue Hotel in downtown Chicago. The event will be moderated by…
PROFINET Developer Workshop confirmed
PROFINET Developer Workshop October 5 to Showcase Available Development Tools. Scottsdale, AZ
General Assembly Meeting #12 into the History Books
The twelfth annual PTO General Assembly Meeting concluded Thursday evening, August 3 with the traditional Pool Party. Consensus was that this was one of the best General Assembly Meetings ever. The keynote address from Michelle Palmer, publisher of Control Engineering, was titled Marketing, Messaging, and Measurement. This was just right for the audience and was…
PROFINET Developer Workshop Announced, New Newsletter, and General Assembly Meeting
The free PROFINET Developer Workshop is designed for control device manufacturers
PROFIsafe, the market leader
In recent years, safety technologies have progressed from conventional technology based on relay controls to digital technology with special bus systems to integrated solutions using standard bus systems. PROFIBUS International (PI) is the trendsetter in this new safety technology and technology leader with PROFIsafe. PROFIsafe is defined for PROFIBUS and PROFINET and is the only…
Industrial Ethernet Survey
The PTO encourages you to take the Industrial Ethernet Survey being sponsored by PTO member Network Vision. The short survey will help all of us in the automation networking world understand users