The twelfth annual PTO General Assembly Meeting concluded Thursday evening, August 3 with the traditional Pool Party. Consensus was that this was one of the best General Assembly Meetings ever. The keynote address from Michelle Palmer, publisher of Control Engineering, was titled Marketing, Messaging, and Measurement. This was just right for the audience and was much appreciated. The user presentations are always a highlight and this year there were a record four user presentations. Jim Tomlinson showed how PROFIBUS and PROFIsafe keep the performance going and the performers safe at the hit Ka, the Cirque du Soleil production at the MGM Grand. Michael Darnell of Prism Systems told how PROFINET and PROFIBUS sped up the engineering effort in a cigar manufacturing plant. Richard Theron of ProSoft provided an example of a wireless application during the wireless session. Barbara Brunswick, also of ProSoft, showed a vast multi-vendor water reclamation project. For more details and less formality, visit the PROFIblog for Day 1 and the PROFIblog for Day 2. There are also referrals to news items and other blogs about the General Assembly Meeting.
August 7, 2006