It’s January which means it’s a time to look back at 2014 and the popular posts from last year. Here are the PROFIblog Top Ten:
10. Managed or Unmanaged Switch for PROFINET
Should I use a managed switch or an unmanaged switch with PROFINET? Spoiler answer: Yes. Read the whole thing for the long answer and the “why.”
Again, the short answer is “yes.” But the post tells where we use it and why we do not use it everywhere.
8. Dueling Views of PROFINET’s Place in System Architecture
This post begins:
I was amused by these dueling viewpoints in recent Control Engineering articles:
- Ethernet for sensor networks? Why it makes sense today
- Consider a sensor network to ease connections (not Ethernet)
The post turns from amusement to answers.
7. PROFINET can use a Best Buy Ethernet Switch, really?
Related to the question of PROFINET really, really just using Ethernet, this post shows how even an inexpensive Ethernet switch works for PROFINET.
A research study showed that the number one industrial Ethernet is “Ethernet.” Leading me to rant that Ethernet is not a protocol. Complete with diagrams and many reader comments.
Four (out of five) IT protocols benefit PROFINET – here’s how.
4. So Is Ethernet Deterministic or Not?
If there is a short answer to this question, it’s “maybe.” But PROFINET is as deterministic as you need it to be.
3. Is PROFINET routable? (Report from Vancouver)
This post is kind of dated. Now I would not mention CBA, but inform readers that PROFINET can send real-time data using UDP which is routable.
2. What are the differences between PROFIBUS V0, V1, and V2?
A common question answered.
1. How many devices on a PROFIBUS DP network in Grand Rapids?
This is such a common question that we recently expanded on the answer in PROFINEWS- Tech Tip: How Many Devices on a PROFIBUS Network?
–Carl Henning