As usual the PI booth was well done and well attended. In addition to the reception stand, the presentation theater, and the lounge, the booth sported functional areas for
- PROFIenergy
- PROFIdrive
- PROFIsafe
- Process including PROFIBUS and PROFINET (and others!)
- IO-Link
I’ll cover each of those in individual, subsequent posts, but here is an overview of the booth from both main aisles (click for a scrollable panorama):
Alternatively, you can join me for a sub-two-minute walk around the whole booth here:
For a more detailed look around the booth click on an image for the larger version:
- Reception
- Theater
- Lounge
- PROFIenergy (a puppet? explanation in a later post)
- PROFIsafe $ PROFIdrive
- Process Wall (PROFIBUS side)
- Process Wall (PROFINET side)
- IO-Link
- Filming PROFIenergy
- Behind the Wall
The booth was busy all day, every day, although Thursday’s early morning snowfall seemed to delay things a bit. Speaking of snowfall, I found out it was snowing not by looking out the hotel room window, but by seeing a Tweet from Leo Ploner of the Industrial Ethernet Book. THEN I looked out the window. BTW, the hash tag for the show was #sps12 if you want to search Twitter for contemporaneous reporting.
–Carl Henning