It is traditional to spend time in January looking back and evaluating the preceding year. In the world of PROFINET and PROFIBUS this was the most popular stuff from 2015:
Web page: PROFINET Technology
Everything you need to know about PROFINET on one (very long) web page. But if you would rather download something to read later: “System Description: PROFINET Technology and Application.”
Blog post: PROFINET vs EtherNet/IP
Really, we don’t like making this comparison, but we keep getting asked to. To the point that we also turned this blog post into a white paper, “PROFINET versus EtherNet/IP.”
White paper: PROFINET for network geeks (and those who want to be)
“The seven layer network stack.” “The four layers of the stack in the Internet model.” These geeky notions and more show PROFINET using standard, unmodified Ethernet.
Webinar: An Introduction to Ethernet for Control Engineers
Designed specifically for control engineers making the transition from fieldbus to Ethernet, we recommend this before attending a PROFINET one-day training class, if needed.
One-day training class: Detroit
We go to Detroit every year and it is usually big, although Houston and Greenville challenge it for the most attended. Lunch for 177 in Detroit in 2015!
PROFINEWS article: Industrial Internet of Things Protocols
“Industrial Internet of Things” was popular in PROFINEWS, appearing in 24 articles. We associate IIoT and Industrie 4.0 with the PROFINET of Things in the newsletter and in the PROFIblog.
This MinutePROFINET was viewed 12,135 times in 2015. I recommend watching all the videos in order using this playlist.
Documentation: Catching the Process Fieldbus
What could be better than a book about PROFIBUS and PROFINET in process applications? A FREE eBook about PROFIBUS and PROFINET in process applications!
–Carl Henning